Sunday, March 23, 2008

Journal 7: Classroom 2.0-Blogging

Journal 7


The tool I chose from Classroom 2.0 that interested me was blogging. A blog is an online journal so blogging can be defined as writing in one’s blog. It creates an environment where thoughts and information can be shared amongst classmates, peers, coworkers, and member of a community.

From the tool discussions, I learned that there are many different software programs for blogging, each with different pros and cons. Some of these include price, user-friendliness, and amount of features. I never knew there were so many different choices. Also, people discussed different blog programs for use at various grade levels, including elementary students. There are innumerous benefits the most obvious being the exposure to technology. Other benefits include the creation of virtual communities, sharing of information, and construction of knowledge outside of the textbook/lecture format. Some issues that were brought up with blog use include span and regulating information shown to students. Many teachers and other professional are using blogs amongst themselves to share new technology, content information, and tips for improving instruction in today’s classroom. Blogging has shown to be an excellent format for continual learning and reaching out to others. Blogs are being used in school at all levels to connect teacher and students in a virtual classroom where more and more can be done (and learned) every day. Here students can practice writing, reading, and comprehension skills such as pulling out main ideas and summarizing (when referring to lesson/unit material). Also, students at all different proficiency and academic levels can benefit from a blog. Because it is all inclusive, everyone can participate. Advanced students can be challenged with all the available technology components and struggling students can practice basic skills, get feedback from others, and learn from classmates.

Blogging, believe it or not, is relatively new to me and I never realized all the educational applications that are possible. After researching and reading the discussions on this topic, I think all students should be exposed to blogging at some point in their school lives. Of course differentiation is required to meet the ability levels of the students, but this is both easy and reasonable to do. I am excited to use blogging in my classroom in the future.


Jacqueline. said...

I also am fairly new to blogging, and I also think it might be something cool to implement in my classroom. I've heard of other teachers using it in classrooms as young as the third grade! I really ought to keep in mind how digitally savvy my students will be by the time I become a teacher :-).

Anonymous said...

Caitlyn wrote:

"Blogging, believe it or not, is relatively new to me and I never realized all the educational applications that are possible"

I also am quite new to blogging, but I have known about it for awhile. Now it seems there isn't a web page without some type of section devoted to weblogs.

I agree that the opportunities for using blogging as an educational tool are outstanding. I would encourage my students to jump right in and learn all they can about this valuable tool for learning.

I also like the security factor that can be enabled with blogging to ensure the privacy and safety of the student's blog(s).

My third-grader is already learning about blogging in here classroom as a digital alternative to writing in her journal on a class project.

Anonymous said...

Hi Caitlyn. I'm interested in learning what kinds of blogs are out there focusing on elementary students. I think I'll google it :) Isn't it interesting that a lot of us are so new to blogging but we're at the college level, and elementary students are already typing away. At first I wasn't sure how educational blogging can be. But I agree with you, there are many benefits to blogging and the other web tools that can be used for educational purposes.

david said...

I have never blogged before this class. In fact never really understood how they worked. But its fun not only using them but seeing how they can be educational tools for our students.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Caitlyn that I as well never really knew much about blogging before researching it and using it in this class. I think to use it in the classroom would be very useful. Teachers and students can learn more about one another and learn how to write journals online. I want to teach high school so this tool would be very helpful and useful for my future students.

Christian said...

Blog, blog, blog....I knew about blogs for a long time, but all I knew is that nerds did them. Now that I have a blog, and I am officially a nerd, I see the educational value in blogs. There are numerous ways to facilitate learning through a blog and I'm glad I am no longer ignorant when it comes to blogs. blog.

azeduc422 said...

I am also new to blogging. I heard about it before this class only thru myspace, but I never knew the real meaning of it, or that it could be used in a classroom. It seems like a really cool concept though, and I know understand a little better how it can be implemented in the classroom. Using it as some sort of discussion board would be a really neat idea. Just to get the kids talking. Those kids in the classroom who never say much because they are shy will have the opportunity to share their thoughts. I'm sure there's a lot more to blogging, ill have to look into it.