Saturday, March 22, 2008

Journal 1-About Me

    My name is Caitlyn O'Donnell and I am currently enrolled in the Multiple Subject Middle Level Program at CSUSM. I have lived in California for two years now, residing in the city of Murrieta. I moved here from back East, born and raised in Maine. I went to Lyseth Elementary, Lyman Moore Middle School, and then Deering High School. For college I moved to Salem, Virginia and attended Roanoke College where I received a B.A. Honors in Spanish with a concentration in Marketing. After graduation, I went into the staffing industry as a recruiter but later decided it was not the right field for me. Both personal and professional goals/interests have led me to education as my career and I hope to teacher Spanish and Language Arts. 

I have used technology for most of my life and feel fairly proficient in most applications. I have always used a PC but am slowly but surely getting adjusted to the ways of the Mac. I am always on the computer; checking emails, writing papers, or doing research. I am also always on my cell phone, constantly sending text messages and calling my friends across the U.S. Given my obvious dependence on technology, both for academic and personal use, I do not know what I would do without it! On my laptop I am using the newest version of Microsoft Office and it has been an okay transition for me.

In reading the CSUSM/COE Mission Statement the words that immediately stood out to me were "diversity, educational equity, and social justice" because that is the core of what I believe education should be about and as future teachers it is our job to perpetuate this throughout our classroom. The diversity of California and the reputation of the school as having an excellent credential program were factors that influenced my decision to come here. The classes all seem so relevant and meaningful that I feel upon graduation I will be truly prepared to step foot in my first classroom. 

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